
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Sketch

Welcome to Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church. We are a parish of the Orthodox Christian Faith which was established on the day of Holy Pentecost in the Year 33 AD. Our parish community is a member of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A. whose presiding bishop is His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa. The American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese is an autonomous diocese under the spiritual protection of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople of which His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I is the Primate.

While the founding members of our parish community emigrated from the Carpatho-Rusyn region of present-day Slovakia and Western Ukraine, our present ethnic composition is mixed. Although a large percentage of the parish is of Carpatho-Rusyn descent, there are also people of Greek, Italian, German, English, Irish, Ukrainian and other ethnic backgrounds.

The mission of the St. Nicholas Orthodox Church is to give glory to Almighty God and become faithful witnesses of the Glory of the Risen Lord and proclaim the sacred truths as taught by the One, Holy Catholic, and Apostolic Church of Christ, in the greater Warren, Ohio area. Through communion with the Holy Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese, we gather together to worship the Lord Jesus Christ and receive the Holy Eucharist, as well as the other Life-giving Mysteries of the Holy Orthodox Church.

As a family-in-Christ, we live together in the community of faith and love while attempting to continue Christ's commission to bring the truth of the Holy Gospel to all around us by faith, compassion and good works. We strive to accomplish this by first living and then teaching God's saving commandments; inspiring our faithful to spread the fullness of the Orthodox Church's Faith. In obedience to the Lord's Commission reaching out in faith, hope, and philanthropic ministry to all who are in need and who are seeking the Lord's truth, mercy and salvation.

We invite all to "come and see;" the richness of Christ's saving love and forgiveness, joining us in the life of repentance that leads to salvation and the attaining His gift of Life-everlasting in the fullness of His Heavenly Kingdom. We will diligently work to make ourselves and our properties true reflections of God's glory rather than our own, so that everyone and all things are built up into the fullness of the statue of Christ and His Holy Orthodox Christian Church!

Parish Life

Spiritual Life:

Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 AM

Feast day Divine Liturgy: 9:00 AM

Great Vespers: Saturdays 4:00 PM

Weekday Services: As indicated on monthly calendar

Prayer Services for Various Intentions: Anytime upon request

Pastoral Counseling/Spiritual direction: (individual/family) Anytime upon request

Ministry to the Sick, Elderly and Shut-ins


Religious Education:

Sunday School - Sept to May: Sundays following Divine Liturgy 11:15 AM.


Fellowship - Social Activities:

Weekly Fellowship Hour Following Sunday Divine Liturgy 

Seasonal Social Activities

Family Picnics, Dinners